Green Hosting

The world around is realizing the benefits of green energy and how it can be put to use in meeting our energy needs. Internet is doubling in its size and this demands for increased energy consumption worldwide. In a quest to focus on operating from green energy sources, hosting service providers termed their services to green hosting. They are niche players who wish to provider services to business who are interested in green services. There is no dearth of green hosting service providers. Discover through us which are the best ones for you to make an impact in the green economy.

Green Hosting

Green hosting services provide an eco friendly way of generating energy from wind mills, water, natural gas and sun. They focus on running their business in a way that causes minimal to no harm to ecosystem. Generally a web hosting provider has sizeable energy requirements for server maintenance, UPS support, Internet, back up and for other network security mechanisms including surveillance cams.
Hosting service provider’s servers run on green energy to support and manage your business transactions. They could also be connected to a power grid which produces energy from natural sources like wind and water. This is usually managed if they buy REC’s (Renewable Energy Certificates). At times two servers can be housed in a machine thus bringing down the energy requirements as they would share the same amount of power supply. Sometimes service providers harness solar energy through solar panels to drive their data centers.

Top Reasons to Choose Green Hosting Services

  • You can make a difference by doing your bit in supporting the cause of green earth
  • Certified REC’s can provide best in class green hosting solutions to support your business
  • Green hosting service provider’s plans and services are usually on-time compared to the competition
  • As a client you need not be bothered about the standard software license and updates. It will be managed by the green hosting service provider at no extra cost

Green Hosting Essentials

  • Green hosting services are generally more costly than the standard web hosting services. Therefore if you have a restricted budget then choosing a regular hosting services – Dedicated, Reseller, Email or Blog hosting etc would be a better idea.
  • As a customer you should conduct thorough research with us and identify which could be the best green service provider that could help you in providing cutting edge smart hosting solutions.
  • Be sure to assess the backup, restore and security features of the hosting environment. A secure host is a must in these times. Else it might be easily prone to malicious attacks from hackers and spammers.
  • Green hosting services should not be compromised with a poor customer support. Always select the service provider who can provide you 24X7 online support.

We would recommend choosing a reliable and trusted service provider when it comes to running business on a greener platform. Therefore make a difference and select the best in class green hosting provider through us.

Host Wisely
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