dotServing Hosting Review
dotServing Hosting Review: dotServing has many dot plans lines up in its arsenal each with ample add-ins. dot-1 plan starts at a pricing of $7 with specs of 1GB of space and 30GB of bandwidth. The dots tend to continue till 5 with scale up in bandwidth and space specifications.
dotServing Blurb:
dotServing is a profitable Canadian based tech company that serves thousands of webpages on a daily basis. Weve handled requests ranging from personal websites to hosting sites for major events.
Our goals are simple. To provide our customers with top notch web hosting and customer service. We know that our customers websites are important to them.
At dotServing we are constantly expanding. Our #1 priority is to offer top notch service to all our customers, while at the same time giving them as many choices as possible.
Most web hosting companies offer services from one central location. We are unique. We store our servers in four different cities throughout North America. We have servers located in Dallas, New York, Montreal and Prince Edward Island. In the future we plan on adding servers to Chicago, Western Canada, Europe, and Western USA.