ThisWebHost Review: ThisWebHost are hosts with repute who rely much on the quality of packages they offer. They have a constantly updated blog that gives you the solutions to your FAQs and hosting problems.
ThisWebHost Blurb:
Once upon a time, back in 2007, a community of web developers and other assorted Internet entrepreneurs discovered that finding good quality hosting these days is like competing in The Running Man (or woman for you nerdy ladies) and losing, unlike our hero Arnie.
They looked at shared hosting with the big named hosts and experienced nothing but slow, oversold servers, and impersonal automated responses to tickets. They felt like the were just another person in line at the DMV, waiting to be served by the next suicidal representative. When the sites went down (and oh boy, they did.. regularly), they were told that it must be a problem with their connection. Our heroes knew better.