D9 Hosting

D9 Hosting Review

D9 Hosting Review: Wonder what the D in D9 stands for, but when it comes to hosting D9 sure has few bets placed on it. Their basic plan starts at $7.95 with unlimited specs. Shared, VPS, Dedicated and Reseller are the kinds of plans on offer. The dedicated starts at $209.99 with, 2250 GB harddrives, Dual Core, Intel 3040, 4 GB and FREE Failover Setup. If you want a scale up in the bandwidth and space specs other options can be chosen from.

The VPS comes in 2 packages based on which side of Atlantic you are from. VPS 1 tagged at 34.99/mo with Disk Space of 15 GB, Bandwidth 300 GB and 256 MB RAM.

D9 Blurb:

When D9 Hosting was first created, our primary aim was to build a service where our Clients would be treated just as we would like to be treated ourselves. We understand the importance of fast answers and solutions to your questions and problems and are dedicated to providing our Clients with easily accessible ways to request support. Our Clients can contact us 24/7 either via our Support Ticket System, our Live Support Chat system, by telephone or Skype.

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